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The AALN has partnered with community legal centre, Springvale Monash Legal Service, to support members of our community who would otherwise be unable to access legal support. Springvale Monash Legal Service (SMLS) is a community legal centre that has been offering legal assistance to South-Eastern Melbourne since 1973. They provide legal advice, case work, representation, duty lawyer services, community education, legal resources and community development projects. 


As a community legal centre, they have an eligibility criteria and can only assist people who have indicators of vulnerability and/or disadvantage.* SMLS has a limited capacity and may not be able to take on all referred matters. However, SMLS will endeavour to provide legal advice through a telephone consultation and refer clients to other services if they are unable to assist. 


Springvale Monash Legal Service will ultimately decide if they can provide legal assistance, not the AALN.


SMLS is a generalist centre and can help with a variety of legal issues, including family law, employment law, civil disputes, motor vehicle accidents, family violence, sexual assault, debts and fines, powers of attorney, tenancy, wills and more. They also have a multidisciplinary program including social work services and financial counselling.


If you know of anyone in the community who is seeking legal assistance, please email

Please keep in mind that priority is given to members of the community who cannot afford private lawyers and ultimately, SMLS will decide if they can assist. 


*Priority for assistance is given to prospective clients that have: language barriers; a physical or intellectual disability; mental health issues; are on low incomes or receive a Centrelink benefit; at risk of homelessness; refugees/seeking asylum; or are disadvantaged in some other way.


Springvale Monash Legal Service (SMLS) is a community legal centre that has been offering legal assistance to South-Eastern Melbourne since 1973. They provide legal advice, case work, representation, duty lawyer services, community education, legal resources and community development projects. In partnership with the AALN and the Legal Education Project, SMLS have created resources for victims of sexual assault in Australia. ​
The video below provides information to assist survivors of sexual assault with navigating the legal system. We hope that this information assists assault survivors as they make important decisions after an assault. 

A document with support services for victims of sexual assault is available for download here. Please note, each organisation has different eligibility criteria and service guidelines. Please contact the service directly to find out more. In an emergency, please contact 000.

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